Kippykip News!

News about stupid stuff going on in the world or updates to the Kippykip Network.

23rd, May 2015

*All the pictures from old topics are now fixed, turns out they were using the old domain "" which I just ditched not too long ago

Email problems

For whatever reason, the user registrations are not sending verification emails!
HOWEVER the topic reply emails (if someone replies to your topic) work flawlessly

What the hell?

M'kay so I made registrations work without having to send an email...
Sorry about the issues :(

New domain/host! - 4th October, 2014

We have changed our domain from to
Instead of hosting at home where the site always goes down, WE NOW HAVE A FREE HOST YAY (x10hosting)!

There are some bugs though like some of the old posts with attachments are messed up and a few things...
But anyway this means the site will not be down unless x10hosting desides to do maintenence but my site
was ALWAYS down because the router...

Sorry if you got spam emails...

I made guests able to post and it fucked up and spam got on the boards as I didn't tick the capacha for guests postings instead I unticked it from the registration page... DOH
Of course, spambots came in (They weren't listed on StopForumSpam though)
Spam bots made new topics and also replied to a few triggering a few emails
I made a backup but yeah
I reconsidered this decision and guests cannot post topics or reply to topics after this but they were able to for a few days...

12th September, 2014
