Kippykip News!

News about stupid stuff going on in the world or updates to the Kippykip Network.

What are these "Ranks"?

Ranks are like a little title under your username. They depend on the amount of posts you're on or depending what group you are in. Of course, you can always change your title to anything so...

Zero Poster n00b13
- This is the first rank a user will start in when they register on the forums.
New Member - This rank requires just 1 post on the forums.
Member - This rank requires at least 5 posts on the forums.
Active Member -...
Last edited:

9/11 2014

*New BBCodes: Center and Right
[group=BBCode Preview]
This text is centered!​
This text is on the right!​
*Very small updates to the rules
*Updated the drag and drop capacha, removed and added questions
Colourblind friendly (Like what colour is a watermelon sorta questions are removed)
Made it casual friendly (Removed questions like what products are by Microsoft?)
Added a few more questions (Like what is a fruit and what is a vegetable)
*Added a Random Member thingy...


  • forums welcome message.PNG
    forums welcome message.PNG
    59.4 KB · Views: 498

Fixed the forums, 30/8/2014

I tried installing a mod, it fucked up the database but when I tried restoring up the backup just before that mod
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away

It fucked the forums even worse after that
But it's now fixed with the max_allowed_packet from my.ini
Sorry for that crash but because nobody ever goes on here, you probably never noticed it

7th August, 2014

*Little post hell icon next to the link c;
*You can now change themes!
Well they are mostly just different colours as I can't seem to get actual themes working properly
even post hell is very buggy but that's supposed to be bad so...

Anyhow, go to:
UCP > Board Preferences > My board style

So far there is:
*Prored (The default red theme) ~ Preview
*Problue (Blue...

Forum Mods (OBSOLETE - phpBB)

*jQuery Pack for phpBB - Needed for Ajax Like
*phpBB Ajax Like - Like posts
*MCP info on index - This mod is now useless with board3 Portal but it shows "Moderator Control Panel" on the index page
*Sortables CAPTCHA Plugin - A 3rd party Capacha plugin because spammers got in
*Show Banned Status - Shows if a member is banned on the posts page. I should probably get rid of it now due to User Status Image MOD
*Prime Trash Bin - Makes you able to recover deleted posts
*Prime Post Revisions -...