Kippykip News!

News about stupid stuff going on in the world or updates to the Kippykip Network.

Look for broken threads!

Yo d00ds, if you're willing to do this, if you end up stumbling across Pre-XenForo threads and have a few bbcode bugs, link them here and I'll try to fix them!
As of right now though, any topics on the side of the forums or on the side bar that were made before the conversion have dead links!
Nothing I can do about that until peeps make more topics in those sections. Sorry.

Anyway that would be brilliant and I'd give you a new rank for it or something.

Changed to XenForo.

So yeah I changed the board from PhpBB and XenForo.
It was a lot of work, and I still need to fix incompatibilities within old threads.

But yeah there's a lot more options like alerts (so you actually know when someone replies to you), custom title and little extra bits in the thread editor now.

There's also a better chat, you can make up to 2 rooms for each user, but there's always the default public one too.

Doesn't seem to have a private mini facebook-like chat though, but you can...
Last edited:

20th, August 2015

24, March 2015

Been a while
But I was meant to post this a couple days ago.
*Couple things on the main page removed (such as clock, calender, random member)
This way it loads faster as you gotta admit, those were pretty useless

9th, June 2015

New BBCode!