Kippykip News!

News about stupid stuff going on in the world or updates to the Kippykip Network.


Unfortunately the day has come, the website now has ads despite saying there won't be WHO REMEMBER 5 YEARS AGO.
But yeah since there's not many people that visit here often, nobody has ever donated and probably never for hosting this dead website.
So I thought I may as well have ads instead.
If any of you hate ads as much as I do, have you ever heard of an adblocker? You'll never go back boi!

Tightened Spam Detection - 27th, July 2016

FUCCin SpAM cUCkss

*Capacha is now changed.
*StopForumSpam detection is more strict now.
*Registration timer is longer.


22nd, March 2016

So it turns out XenForo's built in "StopForumSpam" function checks the usernames registered as-well.
So anyone that registers with a common name would get blacklisted.
Well yeah, I edited the php so it doesn't check usernames and now it's all G.

8th, March 2016

This shitty forum now supports Tapatalk!
However, it looks like all threads back from when it was using phpBB are not working in Tapatalk.
Bummer... :c

7th, March 2016
