Kippykip News!

News about stupid stuff going on in the world or updates to the Kippykip Network.

22nd January, 2020

Fuck sake
I've temporarily closed registration until I fix this fucking captcha spam bullshit

15th, January 2020

  • Deleted 649 unused users with no posts, trophies, or anything.
    If you're one of these users, you'll have to reregister.

We're back! - 5th, September 2018

WOOO after a full week or so, the Kippykip Forums is back!
Under a new host, I moved to a smaller host as it's way cheaper and has way more privacy for me. It was getting a bit expensive with my last host (especially since nobody donates lol) so I've now cut down the site a little bit.
This unfortunately means there's less storage space and bandwidth meaning attachment sizes will have to be reduced. I've offloaded the biggest attachments into mega links due to this.

Not that anyone will...

11th, March 2018

So I updated XenForo due to security and whatnot + so attaching files wasn't dependent on Flash so much and...
now the site looks like shit gg

2nd, January 2018

  • There is now a magnet link BBCode, can be handy for uploading obscure/rare PS1 dumps etc. I plan to use this sometime in the future.
  • Guests can't view the chat anymore, and the refresh rate now takes another 5 longer.
    I thought this change was necessary to improve performance of the site, as the countless indians are slowing it down as of late.
  • (B) Emoji, although this was added a few months ago but never make a news post about it.
  • I'm trying to get the server to use cloudflare too...
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