Kippykip News!

News about stupid stuff going on in the world or updates to the Kippykip Network.

13th July, 2014

*Fixed the buggy as dick friendship requesting thingy
*Post Advertising was added to the forums

July 7th, 2014

*Emails have a bit a content in the email now
Say instead of
XXXX has replied! to your topic XXXX
Click Here to view
etc it says what the post was in the email now

6th July, 2014

*Mods and Operators have a bit more permissions (I forget what they were)
*Regular Users have a Bluey-Grey colour instead of normal text now
*You can now delete your own account
You go to UCP>Profile>Delete my registration
Remember! Once you deleted your account, your posts will still exist but as "Guest"
*There's a members status, if you go to "Members" for example it will say if they're online/offline or banned
This shows in their posts too!

Forums are back! ~ 3rd July, 2014

The forums are back! finally! is also back! YAYYAYAYAYYay

however, my main PC's PSU broke.......
Forced to use Windows 98 or the school laptop, or the server.... :( ain't working!

This isn't my fault, apparently's users were abusing their service (which is what and are based off)
so microsoft is suing them or something?
No-IP said:
NOTICE: Our domains are still experiencing outages due to the Microsoft takedown. Please read our formal statement on the matter.

I'm trying to get functioning again...