PC VS Console


Active Lad
That's a good question, but I must say that PC is better.

That's my honest opinion though. I just think it's got a way better range of games and the online/gameplay is better. Not to mention the graphics and power. Computers are No.1.

By the way, this topic should probably be in the Electronics and Devices category :o


CEO of cancelled
I have moved it to Electronics and Devices, also I vote for PC because you can run any application on it.
Also because you can customize the hardware


Active Lad
thank FUCH brogre slayer hasnt found this topic yet
yes PC will always be better just look at this sexy game
I would say PC is better.
1. As KippyKip said: Customizable Hardware.
2. Mouse is better with shooters.
3. Game modding and console debugging :D
4. Valve: Rich as balls
5. What?
413. PROFIT!
(Anybody notice the number joke I placed in this? If so, cudos to you.)


CEO of cancelled
JahnnytheJahnnitor said:
I would say PC is better.
1. As KippyKip said: Customizable Hardware.
2. Mouse is better with shooters.
3. Game modding and console debugging :D
4. Valve: Rich as balls
5. What?
413. PROFIT!
(Anybody notice the number joke I placed in this? If so, cudos to you.)
South Park and because there's too many reasons :P
Kippykip said:
JahnnytheJahnnitor said:
I would say PC is better.
1. As KippyKip said: Customizable Hardware.
2. Mouse is better with shooters.
3. Game modding and console debugging :D
4. Valve: Rich as balls
5. What?
413. PROFIT!
(Anybody notice the number joke I placed in this? If so, cudos to you.)
South Park and because there's too many reasons :P
South Park is life, South Park is love :3 KITTY FACE.