Kippy's Drug Reviews


Doge Wants Nuggies
Welcome to le epic drug review thread!
This thread will contain my experience with any modern day drugs and reviewing what they're like.
Since I have anxiety/depression/panic attack issues since 2022, I prefer ones that mitigate that.

(Drugs that speed up the body / central nervous system. Note the body doesn't like being overclocked and will tend to have a big crashdown afterwards. Frequent use with no sleep can cause psychosis after 2-3 days without sleep and make you a maniac)

MDMA Powder / Ecstasy Tablets:
2.5/5 Stars - This was the "BRO YOU GOTTA TRY THIS ONE AT LEAST ONCE". Supposedly this drug makes you feel super omega happy. I was told it makes you feel like you're cooming for hours. For some reason I didn't find so?
Sure I felt a lot of energy and motivation to explore like an outdoor adventure for some reason.
Basically this drug, rewards a LOT of Dopamine, Seratonin and Noraddrenaline. I had much better luck with MDMA powder rather than the tablets.

* Makes you super productive and motivated
* Lasts most of the day
* Cheap
* Illegal
* Expanded pupils
* Being such a stimulant, expect a massive comedown of low energy end tiredness the next day
* Can be easy to overdose (and bad pills in the black market are from what I understand, common)
* Can't get an erection while on it

3/5 Stars - Alrighty new one on the table, so I've been playing with some of these "180ug LSD tabs" going around lately.
So I figured I'd be fully expecting to see the "walls melting, random colours" stuff you see in super overhyped hollywood movies.
And, kinda? If you stare at something the vision twirls until you blink again. And when you close your eyes you can imagine fast animated stuff like Nyan Cat or something.

...Closest I got though, is my laptop screen started reshaping in 3D with little foggy hallucinations, Enjoyable though.
If you look at say, lewd e621 furry art, and consume this, it makes it look like it's animated.

However my problem with it, is it lasts WAYYYY too long.

* Makes you super productive and motivated
* Lasts most of the day
* Maybes you super awake and super focused
* Unlike MDMA, you don't have erection or issues cooming.
* Cheap
* Illegal
* When you DO want to sleep. it's really hard and can last more than 12hrs, giving you the accelerated heartrate problem like you've had a tonne of caffine.
* Makes you dehydrated.

3.5/5 Stars - Okay that comment I heard about the MDMA making you feel like you are having a massive coom?
That's genuinely what this one feels like. Basically the moment just before you're about to ejaculate but for an hour.
Consuming this makes you a super horny degenerate, as this blocks the reupdate of dopamine (same brain reward chemical when you have sex / food or whatever).
I can't even quite remember if I could easily get an erection or coom very well but it didn't seem to matter. But for an incredible short high, it had an insanely long comedown after that felt awful.
Anxiety followed the next couple days with the heart being pretty hard to slow down. I hear others use a depressant / benzo after using this, but I never had any on me at the time.
Next days followed with a high heart rate, anxiety, and feeling uncomfortable just wanting to be by myself on a bed.

* Gives you insane happiness and energy in the moment
* Makes you feel weightless, enegeric and
* Can give you the best coomer feeling you've probably ever had

* Illegal.
* Expanded pupils.
* When you DO want to sleep. it's really hard. While the high only lasts an hour (up to four if boofed), but the sped up heart and stimulant feel lasts a lot longer for me almost 24hr.
* Makes you very dehydrated.
* Loss of appetite.
* Extremely intense comedown that can last 48hrs-72hrs, expect lots of anxiety and depression.
* VERY expensive.

Psychadelics / Middle Ground:
(Drugs that neither speed up or slow down the body / central nervous system but do something else instead)
* Cigarettes:
0/5 Stars
- Honestly this would be the stupidest thing invented by mankind, had it not for them inventing the DMCA Copyright Act.
I don't understand how anyone likes this, tastes disgusting and makes you cough constantly.
* Legal
* Makes you... calm? [citation needed]
* Looks kinda cool I guess?
* If you thought alcohol was stupidly comically overpriced, wait until you see cigarette prices in Australia
* Fucks up your lungs
* Gives you cancer
* Somehow if you put up with it, it's addictive. As nicotine rewards dopamine (food/sex).

1/5 Stars - The sequel to cigarettes I suppose. Using these just makes me feel like I breathed in the flavour of Five-Gum while making my eyes itch. Not that impressed to be honest.
* Legal, well at least disposable ones are. (for now)
* Makes you... calm? [citation needed]
* Cheap
* Taste like bubblegum / chewing gum like flavours
* Cartridge/nicotine based ones are no longer legal in Australia
* Makes a fucktonne of smoke
* Looks gay
* Nicotine ones can apparently be addictive. As nicotine rewards dopamine (food/sex).

5/5 Stars - Hands down, this is my favourite. I can't really describe how it feels, it feels kinda like slowing down the brain but not the body. On zero tolerence it can feel like you're completely rebooting myself. You'll become a zombie for a moment, picking up basic senses like hearing / seeing for a bit like you're a baby again as you sober up and try to rediscover yourself. (When I had doom music playing in the background, I was convinced for a moment "Oh, I'm just Doom E1M5" for example). Eventually you'll remember who you are again not before questioning existance, your personality. It's the most wildest experience I can think of. Lasts about 2 hours as a peak then you feel relaxed but a little dizzy for about 3 hours or so.
Recommended average dose is about 70mg - 200mg. There are three methods on how to take it though with different efficiencies
Higher tolerence though, just feels a bit relaxing kinda like a benzo but without the issue of withdrawals.

Method 1: Eating it
It tastes terrible like an off sour lolly, but the main problem is it's incredibly inefficient. You probably get about 5-10% of the potency.
Takes effect after like 30-45 minutes.

Method 2: Sniffing it
This appears to be the most common and documented method, sniffing it up like cocaine up a straw or plastic tube. You probably get about 60% of the potency however when I do this method I sneeze like absolute crazy and the back of my throat taste like sour worms. Takes effect after about 15 minutes.
You can also disolve it in warm water and use a nasal spray. That worked a bit better for me but I still got this awful taste in my throat and sneezed.

Method 3: Boofing it?
This is like, the undocumented way. Almost no wiki or drug sites mention this method. But ketamine subredditors discuss this method a lot in the comments.
The method though, is very retarded but it actually somehow works. When I first read it I thought it was a fucking troll. This method takes effect after about 10-15 minutes.
Boofing means: shove it in your ass
...Yeah... You heard that right.
The method in detail is to get a bit of ket, put it in a small metal sauce container. Add a tiny bit of water in it and dissolve it while stirring. If it doesn't dissolve properly, you can use a blowtorch underneath and warm up the container which will make it faster (entirely optional though).
Once dissolved. Use something like a very small dropper or medicine syringe like so:
View attachment 951
Then uhh... lube up I guess and squirt it about 3-4cm deep in your butt hole.
Wait 15 minutes, and you're completely high as fucking shit with asborbing the ketamine entirely.
Reddit and drug forums say otherwise with a 30%-ish potency, but for me it feels like 60%, at least that's what it felt like to me. I got much better results especially after not sneezing like crazy.

* Makes you extremely calm and mellow
* Clears depression and anxiety completely
* High makes you disassociate from reality almost completely
* Overdosing doesn't kill you (although stupid things you may do while on it, may kill you. Don't go swimming lmfao. That's how like an actor died once)
* Cheap (outside of AU)
* Closing your eyes is basically a lucid dream like imagination with dark green, yellowish colours. It's likely causing a similar effect like when you have dreams while sleeping but while awake.
* Illegal
* Extremely addictive
* If taken often, can build a tolerance super fast requiring more of it for the same effect. But thankfully unlike benzos, any withdrawals won't kill you or anything.
* Not really accepted in public obviously, ESPECIALLY if method 3 is used.
* Peak doesn't last very long (about 2 hours), but can also be seen as a good thing as you can just use it when stressed after work and continue the next day like nothing happened. Although if boofing with a lot of water that can take time to absorb, that can make the peak last as much as about 6 hours.
* If taken in very heavy doses (like 1g+ a day sorta thing) can cause damage to your bladder / kidneys or something and will make your piss red. Although I'm not sure who in the right mind would every want to take THAT much.
It doesn't matter which method you take it, you can have gut/bladder issues if taken in heavy doses.

(Drugs that slow down the body / central nervous system. Note the body doesn't like being slowed down and will work against it by speeding it back up after. Daily use can actually cause the body to become physically dependent where it tries to speed itself so much to the point your baseline body like as if it's on a stimulant, sweating and shaking known as withdrawals. Continuing doing more often can get the point of no return where stopping cold turkey can actually kill you.

Traditional Alcohol:
2/5 Stars
- Probably the most socially accepted and legal one on the list. But honestly I don't really like it that much unless there's a major event with friends involved.
By the time I've had enough of it and get happily shitfaced in a good mood, I get sick and vomit it all out and then ruins my night. Then the next day feels like total shit and get drowsy.
Some people like to do it after a hard day at work or something, but for me drinking alone just makes me feel sad if anything and I stop drinking not long after.
Lastly, because drinking is an Australian culture thing, it is taxed to comical levels to the point it's not worth it.
* Legal
* Available anywhere
* Socially accepted
* Can easily make you sick
* Taste like garbage (no matter what anyone says, plus mixer drinks will never taste as good as the original anyway. It's like the equivalent of putting makeup on a pig, it only improves it slightly)
* Stupidly overpriced (At least in Australia)
* Can kill you from poisoning if you have too much
* Will fucking KILL you or give you a seizure if mixed with other drugs, especially benzos

BDO 1,4 / Liquid Ecstasy (Aka the d4te r4pe)?
Not gonna lie?
2/5 Stars. Supposedly this is supposed to feel something similar to Ketamine but is "more horny" and energetic.
But in reality this seemed like a better slightly version of alcohol if anything as I didn't feel that at all. I never felt more horny than just normal levels so I'm not sure what people are talking about.
Big difference though, dosing this depressant drug goes up on a multiplier curve making it tricky to dose.

This one is actually a precursor to something called "GHB". "GBL" is another precursor to "GHB".
Ingesting it, turns it into GHB in the stomach. Most sellers find selling pure "GHB" or "GBL" difficult.

So basically if you drop maybe 1.5-2ml into a big glass of water you'll feel slightly drunk and clumsy. 2-3ml you'll pass out. Any more than that you could probably die.
Far less likely to have a comedown or get sick like alcohol I found. But also you're also VERY likely to fall asleep too.
Too many times I planned to relax with music or something only to pass out. It really depends how much food you had prior so doses feel random every-time.
I kind of used it as a sleep aid or liquid benzo if anything for a while. If you had a stimulant drug prior, and it's worn off and you wanted to sleep. This could be an alternative.

You have to dilute it in a big drink and stir, you cannot have it straight it's extremely corrosive.

Stealth alcohol with no comedown or can be used a liquid benzo?
Sign me up!

Here's the massive con:
Being a solvent chemical, it basically literally melts your white teeth fillings if you have any.
Doesn't matter if you rinse out or brush after injecting, once you awaken from sleep your mouth tastes fucked.

It also really messes up your teeth in general, any holes or cracks will SIGNIFICANTLY worsen after a couple sessions.
That aspect ruins the whole thing for me.
If it wasn't for that I would've rated 3.5/5 due to the potential sleeping tool / depressant use.
* "Technically" not illegal, being a cleaning solvent. Only illegal if you misuse.
* Makes you calm and mellow
* Cheap (per ml) actually completely rivaling alcohol prices.
* Very easy to overdose, you absolutely need an ml syringe.
* Depending if you had food or not, you may end up sleeping and not getting high anyway
* Completely, utterly messes up your teeth
* Being a depressant, withdrawals can actually kill you or give you a seizure depending if you go crazy with them doing it daily or something.
* Can cause rebound anxiety if done repeatedly or daily too.

Restoril / Temazepam tablets:
2/5 Stars - First benzo on the list and the first one I tried. It's supposed to be for treating insomnia temporarily. For me it makes you calm and just slightly dizzy, usually enough to fall asleep. Makes you feel very drowsy the next day though. Comes in 10mg tablets. Takes about 30 minutes to take effect after swallowed.
* Legal
* Makes you calm and mellow
* Cheap (via Dr Route)

* While legal, it's only available as a prescription in most countries.
* Dr's aren't likely to prescribe more than once.
* Apparently can get VERY addictive if taken often.
* Can have bad withdrawals if taken often
* Being a depressant / benzo, withdrawals can actually kill you or give you a seizure depending if you go crazy with them daily.
* If taken often, your body will get used to it and require more of it to feel the same effect while the side effects continue to rise.
* Effect doesn't last very long, about 2-3 hours tops
* Expensive (via Black Market Route)
* Can cause rebound anxiety if done too repeatedly.

Valium / Diazepam tablets:
4/5 Stars - Second benzo on the list. I actually really liked this one, it's basically similar to temazepam but without the drowsy feeling the next day. Also the calmness effect lasts almost 6-7 hours. It's intended purpose is to put an end to an upcoming panic attack or to temporarily treat anxiety. Takes effect after swallowing in about 15 minutes. Comes in 2.5mg tablets usually.
* Legal
* Makes you calm and mellow
* Cheap (via Dr Route)
* Due to it's long half-life, it's probably the hardest benzo to get addicted to
* Lasts most of the day
* While legal, it's only available as a prescription in most countries and dr's aren't likely to prescribe more than once.
* Apparently can get a bit addictive if taken very often.
* If taken often, your body will get used to it and require more of it to feel the same effect while the side effects continue to rise.
* Can have bad withdrawals if taken often
* Being a benzo, withdrawals can actually kill you or give you a seizure depending if you go crazy with them.
* Expensive (via Black Market Route)

Xanax / Alprazolam tablets:
3/5 Stars - Second benzo on the list. This ones okay, its like the one above but a bit stronger I suppose. You can break it up into smaller bars. Although when I was going through a lot, I took a full bar several nights in a row.
The next two days I noticed some minor withdrawal that felt like a slight burn across my chest and back. I stopped and it went away. Bath felt nice.
* Legal
* Makes you calm and mellow
* Cheap (via Dr Route)
* Lasts most of the day and feels more intense than Valium
* While legal, it's only available as a prescription in most countries. Outside of USA though, it's almost never recommended and is quite rare.
* Dr's aren't likely to prescribe more than once.
* If taken often, your body will get used to it and require more of it to feel the same effect while the side effects continue to rise.
* Can have much worse withdrawals if taken often than say Valium, due to a shorter half life.
* Being a benzo, withdrawals can actually kill you or give you a seizure depending if you go crazy with them.
* Expensive (via Black Market Route)

Bromazolam Powder:
0/5 Stars - Probably the last benzo on the list. This one is essentially like bootleg Xanax and is not found legally. But being in a powder form instead of a tablet, it's extremely easy to screw up and potentially kill yourself unless you happen to have a mg scale. Intended dosage is about 2-3mg. Takes effect about 45 minutes after swallowing. It is not water soluble so you cannot boof or sniff it. Only ingest.
This was actually my first illicit drug experience. Basically I ate a tiny bit using a metal ear spoon. An hour later I felt nothing at all so... I did it again. I then somehow lost my memory for the next 3 days, coworkers and friends came to my house to find I was acting like an absolute retard with my shirt backwards. Somehow I also broke my computer monitor. When I thought I was finally back to normal again three days later, I had a random head rush going through the first roundabout in my car and ended up fucking up the front of the car by smashing into the middle concrete pavement. Do not recommend, way too sensitive for me.

* Makes you calm and mellow
* Illegal
* Extremely easy to overdose, mg scale is REQUIRED.
* Being a benzo, withdrawals can actually kill you or give you a seizure depending if you go crazy with them.
* Expensive
write that down WRITE THAT DOWN