Search results

  1. Kippykip

    Clickteam Multimedia Fusion 1.5

    Another cool retired clickteam product from back in the day. You can download it from clickteams official site, or through this 4shared link which appears to include some extensions: The serial key is: 031728-96788026-497880 Just incase the 4shared link dies or something, I also have a magnet...
  2. Kippykip

    NEDM Archive

    Here's a portable archive of, in case the site shuts down after 2020 To view the page in it's original state, edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add the line: And use some hosting software (such as XAMPP), extract all the files...
  3. Kippykip

    The Games Factory + Install Maker 1996 Serial Keys

  4. Kippykip

    ROM [NDS] - [No-Intro] Nintendo DS (03-01-2019)

    A recreated torrent of the broken NDS No-Intro upload. The torrent file there only has the first 141 files in it, but the ZIP has everything. So I downloaded everything and made a new torrent file with all the...
  5. Kippykip

    ExaGear Archive

    Since ExaGear got discontinued, here's an archive of all the files and emails...
  6. Kippykip

    PortableApp PowerISO 6.6 x64 - Portable

    Made a portable precracked version of PowerISO using VMware Thinapp. Here you go bois. Download
  7. Kippykip

    We're back! - 5th, September 2018

    WOOO after a full week or so, the Kippykip Forums is back! Under a new host, I moved to a smaller host as it's way cheaper and has way more privacy for me. It was getting a bit expensive with my last host (especially since nobody donates lol) so I've now cut down the site a little bit. This...
  8. Kippykip

    PlayStation 2 Slim - PS1 Memory Card read fix!

    So it turns out for the slim models, Sony removed the 7.6V line for the memory card slots as they never manufactured any memory cards or adapters that used this connection so they got rid of it's functionality. This trace is required for counterfeit PS1 memory cards to operate (which always step...
  9. Kippykip

    Clock Tower: The First Fear - Windows 95 Midis

    Here's the midi files converted to a General Midi format.
  10. Kippykip

    PlayStation 1 Modchip HEX Dumps (MM3 and ONEChip) and more!

    I have moved all this information + created some fresh HQ diagrams to GitHub instead. Here are the HEX files required for modding a PS1 if you are burning your own chip. MrMario2011 made a good tutorial video on how to make them using a chip programmer...
  11. Kippykip

    PortableApp CExtract - The Games Factory / Multimedia Fusion Game Extractor / Unprotector

    Here's some obscure software I downloaded off a forum 7 or so years ago. It basically extracts contents from Clickteam .GAM files, or what I used it for was to unprotect games made in the v1.0 clickteam engines back in the day. The V126 attachment below is the version that allows unprotecting if...
  12. Kippykip

    PortableApp Retarded Goat Hunter

    Here was a funny game I had back in Primary School. Although it ran on the original Multimedia Fusion 1.0 so it messes up on modern computers. Therefore I've uploaded a modified version under "carrot_unprotected.exe" which runs on the modern Clickteam Fusion 2.5 engine. This version also scales...
  13. Kippykip

    8BitDanooct1's Famitracker Modules

    Had this downloaded ages ago, but realised all the dropbox links are now dead off 8BitDanooct1's channel so I'm gonna reupload this package here.
  14. Kippykip

    PortableApp Inertia player ( IPLAY ) - MS-DOS MOD Player

    Downloaded this a while back, but as per usual websites that hold cool files seem to always die. Inertia player (IPLAY) — MOD player doesn't require sound card. unrated [added 1998-07-08, updated...
  15. Kippykip

    Final Doom: Evilution - MAP31 / Intermission - 1-Bit Arduino

    So I recreated Legion of the Lost on a Adruino I recently got, here's the video. Here's the code below, I'm also uploaded my little tool I used to make this. Basically it converts FamiTracker Text file exports, into arduino code. It ONLY copys the Triangle track, and the tool only supports...
  16. Kippykip

    Driver HP Compaq Presario V2000 Drivers

    Since HP took down old drivers (as the companies keep doing lately making it extremely difficult to get retro computers going now ::sad_cute::) Here's mine I ripped from the C:\SWSetup folder, I got this laptop used today and was disappointed I couldn't find the drivers online. These should be...
  17. Kippykip

    PlayStation 2 Modbo Modchip Diagrams

    I'm about to modchip my PS2 but I was looking for a reliable diagram site, I found one that's still in 4:3 where half the links are broken which is just bound to be a dead site in 1-2 years as it always seems to happen. So I'm just gonna mirror it here: I also found this list of model...
  18. Kippykip

    PortableApp Unknown Devices - V1.2

    Here's a neato program that helps you find driver/hardware/vendor ID's for stuff in Device Manager. If you're on XP SP3+ you can just open the details tab on an Unknown Device in Device Manager and it'll tell you everything you need. But if you're on an old retro machine (in my case, when I was...
  19. Kippykip

    Canon "My Image Garden" - 80mm MiniDisc Template

    I just bought a Canon MG7700 printer recently which arrived today. I bought it so I could label my CD's, but was disappointed that the software didn't have 80mm/8cm CD's as a template option. I have nice Vinyl CD's I use for burned PS1 games with a 80mm center and was the main reason I bought...
  20. Kippykip

    ROM [NDS] DSBF Dumper (Bios and Firmware dumper)

    Took me forever to find this piece of shit file without having to make an account, there was also a lost ZIP with the source code. The only URL I could find to it was which is dead of course. So if anyone finds it, lemme know and I'll upload it...