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  1. Kippykip


    So using Blitz3D, I created my own version of Orange Meme's "Shitpostbot 5000". Here are some examples of images it created... Anyway, here's the download! I included some templates and images on it, however you're going to draw the coordinates yourself so you can make some! Enjoy
  2. Kippykip

    uTorrent 2.2

    Here's an old version of uTorrent before it was ad-infested, enjoy!
  3. Kippykip

    PortableApp Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ Developer with Extensions!

    Ah yes, the successor to Multimedia Fusion 2. This is basically the same except they did a massive performance boost to the software where it can do proper 60fps+ instead of stuttering 50fps like MMF2. Then there's the minor things such as infinite global vars, more qualifiers, etc. Many subtle...
  4. Kippykip

    Sony Vegas 12 Pro

    Here you go you fags! Shamelessly stolen somewhere from thepiratebay Just follow the directions in the "Patch pictures" folder ... sp=sharing
  5. Kippykip

    20th, August 2015

    *You can now go to the forums using Enjoy
  6. Kippykip

    Bandicam Patcher

    Alright, so since I got Windows 10, I cannot use FRAPS to record the desktop because there's no aero anymore. Therefore I'm stuck with Bandicam. But yeah anyway I found a torrent for the old version which included a patcher and the patcher itself works on the latest version of Bandicam so here...
  7. Kippykip

    Windows photo viewer for Windows 10

    Windows 10 does come with it, but it's laying away in program files... Unless you upgraded from Windows 7 (and maybe 8). Normally these sorta things will be easy, but Windows Photo Viewer is based on a .dll file. First of all, it's best to open Control Panel (the original Control Panel) and go...
  8. Kippykip

    vidIQ - Chrome Cracked

    Ok so I found this extension called vidIQ which basically just shows extra information on YouTube videos. It even has a couple menus to help you out on videos that are currently viral. HOWEVER they got you by the balls by having to pay money. So I looked in the source files and cracked it pretty...
  9. Kippykip

    9th, June 2015

    New BBCode! feature