Notice how much of a pain in the butt it is just to transfer data on or off a Linux drive under Windows?
Whenever I wanna toy with a raspberry Pi, I have to set either another linux VM or use a Linux boot drive and it angers tf out of me.
Somehow despite being two decades, there's still no official support. Supposedly you can now mount them in WSL2 for Windows, but if you haven't mastered the terminal for mounting UNIX drives on Windows, then also having WSL2 installed on top... Good luck to you.
Here's a fix, use "Paragon Linux File Systems for Windows"
Simply install, go to services.svc and temporarily stop the paragon service. Replace the files in the Crack zip on top of the originals.
Start the paragon service, done.
Now you can toy with your raspberry pi SD cards under windows.
Magnet Link
[Don't forget, you will need a torrent client to use magnet links!]
Whenever I wanna toy with a raspberry Pi, I have to set either another linux VM or use a Linux boot drive and it angers tf out of me.
Somehow despite being two decades, there's still no official support. Supposedly you can now mount them in WSL2 for Windows, but if you haven't mastered the terminal for mounting UNIX drives on Windows, then also having WSL2 installed on top... Good luck to you.
Here's a fix, use "Paragon Linux File Systems for Windows"
Simply install, go to services.svc and temporarily stop the paragon service. Replace the files in the Crack zip on top of the originals.
Start the paragon service, done.
Now you can toy with your raspberry pi SD cards under windows.