How to crack VidIQ yourself

Music Junkyard

New Lad
क्या आप भारतीय हैं?
OTE="Jatworks_Swirl, post: 1125, member: 132"]बेवकूफ देश भारत है।.[/QUOTE]


CEO of cancelled
Oh geez

Music Junkyard

New Lad
Nvm, i cleared the problem. Thx for the support.
Your fucking method is old. In new update, there is one more thing to change so to make the script work.

success: function(t, n, s) {
t.state && "unauthenticated" != t.state ? (o.session_id = t.session_id, dataStore.setItem("session_token", t.session_token), dataStore.setItem("session_id", t.session_id), dataStore.setItem("email", e.toLowerCase()), o.loggedin = !0, o.cache = {
channels: []
}, o.getSessionData = !1, o.getRetriedSession(function() {
"function" == typeof i && i(!0)
})) : ("function" == typeof i && i(!1), o.loggedin = !1)

Change unauthenticated to authenticated, it will start working.

If you don't know any fucking thing how to update your site, thn why the fuck you started this forum?! Few bastards have already took your idea and have published in Yb, but those noobs didn't know the right shit. They got disliks and you, shit on your face.
Also, m not a fucking indian, m using a vpn. How the fuck u thought m indian?!
Btw, u two should only be in making minecraft servers and sucking dick of jb cuz you don't know a thng about scripts.


Lemon Flavored
Nvm, i cleared the problem. Thx for the support.
Your fucking method is old. In new update, there is one more thing to change so to make the script work.

success: function(t, n, s) {
t.state && "unauthenticated" != t.state ? (o.session_id = t.session_id, dataStore.setItem("session_token", t.session_token), dataStore.setItem("session_id", t.session_id), dataStore.setItem("email", e.toLowerCase()), o.loggedin = !0, o.cache = {
channels: []
}, o.getSessionData = !1, o.getRetriedSession(function() {
"function" == typeof i && i(!0)
})) : ("function" == typeof i && i(!1), o.loggedin = !1)

Change unauthenticated to authenticated, it will start working.

If you don't know any fucking thing how to update your site, thn why the fuck you started this forum?! Few bastards have already took your idea and have published in Yb, but those noobs didn't know the right shit. They got disliks and you, shit on your face.
Also, m not a fucking indian, m using a vpn. How the fuck u thought m indian?!
Btw, u two should only be in making minecraft servers and sucking dick of jb cuz you don't know a thng about scripts.

> Says the one who signed up to this forum for help. lol

Meanwhile, this extension is OPEN SOURCE. #fail

Triggered Indian with poor English is Triggered.


CEO of cancelled
Nvm, i cleared the problem. Thx for the support.
Your fucking method is old. In new update, there is one more thing to change so to make the script work.

success: function(t, n, s) {
t.state && "unauthenticated" != t.state ? (o.session_id = t.session_id, dataStore.setItem("session_token", t.session_token), dataStore.setItem("session_id", t.session_id), dataStore.setItem("email", e.toLowerCase()), o.loggedin = !0, o.cache = {
channels: []
}, o.getSessionData = !1, o.getRetriedSession(function() {
"function" == typeof i && i(!0)
})) : ("function" == typeof i && i(!1), o.loggedin = !1)

Change unauthenticated to authenticated, it will start working.

If you don't know any fucking thing how to update your site, thn why the fuck you started this forum?!
Alright holdup, I created this forum because of my YouTube channel and just because I wanted my own site, I didn't make it just for cracking/editing scripts etc. It's for literally anything, no specific topic.
The original site from years ago wasn't even a forum, it was just a basic HTML page with some of my programs hosted. Making it into a forum made it a lot easier to manage files and it also let people give feedback and post their own stuff here.

Now the chrome extensions modding thing started out because a free extension (Easy Proxy) changed from free, to being paid which pissed me off. Editing the HTML/JS scripts from where chrome stores extensions was easy enough.
I was only doing it for myself, but may as well share it online as other random people online might find it useful.
So I begun to see if it would work for other extensions, so the next one I did was VidIQ and when testing it, it worked (at least the client sided features). However VidIQ updates very frequently and I don't want to have maintain it as the old version works still. But interestingly enough, a bunch of new members joined the forum! Usually this site is dead quiet. But it looked like these new members ONLY registered to post in these chrome threads. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as it's just people asking for requests to make an updated version which I just lost interest in doing right now. Occasionally I get to do it in my freetime as it makes others happy.

So, to make it easier for others since I rarely ever update the modified VidIQ, I ended up making a thread showing how to do it (this current thread) in case non-programmers want to do it themselves without having to learn programming since I'm rarely ever going to update it/maintain it.
But even sometimes the tutorial itself needs to change to accommodate for the VidIQ updates.
But I'm only doing this shit in my own free time so.
I do fucking know how to update my site, I just don't fucking care enough to maintain these modified chrome extensions, as they're the least of my worries right now. Your shit talking about having outdated tutorial code (due to lack of me updating the posts) sure isn't fucking motivating me at all. It makes me want to distance myself even further from this chrome extension dogshit. I just want people to be a little bit grateful that I'm bothering to help people out in my own small free time.

Few bastards have already took your idea and have published in Yb, but those noobs didn't know the right shit. They got disliks and you, shit on your face.
Well I'm not gonna maintain this modified script often because it's not that important to me and is hard to stay motivated. Some people however might be motivated to keep updating/modifying their own modified versions of VidIQ like the people at whatever the site "Yb" stands for. I doubt the people at "Yb" would've looked at this tutorial to understand how to do it as anybody can easily use a program like GrepWin to search all the extension source files for certain strings and functions so they can understand how the "premium" code in these extensions works and how to get around it.
Also, m not a fucking indian, m using a vpn. How the fuck u thought m indian?!
Btw, u two should only be in making minecraft servers and sucking dick of jb cuz you don't know a thng about scripts.
Jworks was just baiting you, as the majority of the people who just registered ONLY to ask for assistance in these chrome extension threads IP's come from India, and a lot of users have broken english (which is a bit malicious). Unless everyone here is coincidently using a VPN with the location set to India, then I'm not sure then.
Anyway to summarise this shit, this forum is not for specifically for modding and pirating shit. It's just a forum for whatever is on your mind. All of these threads and projects I've posted were just made in my free time.

As of right now, I'm focusing on study and work meanwhile in my small spare time at home, I'm modding ancient outdated versions of Minecraft with Jworks and backporting code from the newer modern versions to add the features we liked into the obsolete versions. Why? No reason, that's just what's on our mind right now and we'll do as we please. But regardless, we are going to release it to the public on this very forum site as there just Might be some people interested in modding those versions. Just like I thought some people would be interested in a modded VidIQ which seemed to be true.
People sometimes leave feedback and I'll help them out whenever I can. But the most important factor depends on motivation and if I'm willing to do it.

Your fucking method is old. In new update, there is one more thing to change so to make the script work.

I'm glad that you managed to find your own workaround to fix vidIQ, and decided to publicise the method you used to modify it. That'll help others as I haven't had the time and motivation to re-read all the VidIQ extension code. So hats of to that.

But excuse this massive rant, I needed to debunk the rest of this shit as people don't seem to know the purpose of this forum.
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CEO of cancelled
Registered just to like this post, don't take that type of shit from people, cheers m8
Thanks my dude, sick of these random cunts telling me off. And sick of the people that only register to ask for an update on the extension where the old version still works perfectly fine.


CEO of cancelled
If you know how to crack fifa 15 .Then can you plz upload file.I m getting origin error.
Boy that escalated from small open source chrome extensions into actual reverse engineering for a AAA game