GBA Doom II Modding Tools! - 0.2 Beta


CEO of cancelled
but i also have a problem with it
Leafs in Map WADS
Looks like the guy that wrote the program made it check for 12 entries instead of 11. So even if I export a map and reimport it, you get the LEAFS generic error.
Try this "gbadoom.exe" build I edited. I got it to replace a map this time without the leaf error (which GBA Doom doesn't even seem to contain a LEAFS file anyhow, PSXDoom does though)

However, the part I edited didn't seem to work for some reason, I added a swastika in the center but when I load the modified rom it just had a mirrors effect in the center, then when I look away and look back the game freezes.

It's supposed to be this:

Maybe you'll have better luck, I've never modded GBA Doom 1 other than changing sprite offsets in the IWAD part.


  • gbadoom.exe
    1.1 MB · Views: 2,278


but i also have a problem with it
Leafs in Map WADS

LEAFS lump only exist in Playstation Doom and Doom 64 for Nintendo 64. GBA Doom doesn't use LEAFS as far as I know.

although unfortunately the BSP format for the southpaw engine is still entirely unknown. So the process can't be reversed as of yet. But at least we know the offsets where the level geometry data is.
Any ideas who can help with this? As far as I know Randy is not interested in making vise-versa converter

Retro GBA Doom

Active Lad
Looks like the guy that wrote the program made it check for 12 entries instead of 11. So even if I export a map and reimport it, you get the LEAFS generic error.
Try this "gbadoom.exe" build I edited. I got it to replace a map this time without the leaf error (which GBA Doom doesn't even seem to contain a LEAFS file anyhow, PSXDoom does though)

However, the part I edited didn't seem to work for some reason, I added a swastika in the center but when I load the modified rom it just had a mirrors effect in the center, then when I look away and look back the game freezes.
View attachment 460

It's supposed to be this:
View attachment 461

Maybe you'll have better luck, I've never modded GBA Doom 1 other than changing sprite offsets in the IWAD part.
but it doesn't work on windows 7 because the program is 64 bit instead of 32 bit (W7)


CEO of cancelled
i am a doom fan and a enthusiast, but i am german

can you please make a 32 bit windows of this version of gbadoom please
Give this a try maybe? But you should consider getting 64bit Windows 7 at some point soon as a lot of programs (such as Vegas) have moved on.


  • gbadoom.exe
    154.4 KB · Views: 522

Retro GBA Doom

Active Lad
i tried it, but i have a problem. i tried to replace the first level with the gba the lost levels map 2
and i got this:
0155 - Doom (UE)_01.png
0155 - Doom (UE)_02.png

i dont know, what i should do next?

Retro GBA Doom

Active Lad
back to doom 2, i will now present my gba hack of doom 2 called "Ultimate Downfall Mission". this game is just based on fantasy and nothing else. i also hacked the GBA doom 2 TC Wad for a pc version of this game.
Play it and tell me then how you find it.


  • Ultimate Downfall Mission.gba
    16 MB · Views: 521

Retro GBA Doom

Active Lad
hi dudes, i would like to present my final result of my doom 1 gba hack called "Monster Maneuver Fight 1"i solved the problem with LBSP and the original GBADOOM.exe Check it out and write me a little about the experience


  • Monster Maneuver Fight 1.GBA
    8 MB · Views: 517


CEO of cancelled
hi dudes, i would like to present my final result of my doom 1 gba hack called "Monster Maneuver Fight 1"i solved the problem with LBSP and the original GBADOOM.exe Check it out and write me a little about the experience
PC Dooms episode 3 in here!
How did you solve the problem in the end?

Retro GBA Doom

Active Lad
like i said, i solved the problem with the LBSP, i found it in the GBADHACK by kaiser. The LBSP adds extra leafs in the Map Wads
Also, this version has a new secret level at level 24. Check it out :)