Doom Request


New Lad
Hey! I really love what you've done with the Doom games, and I was wondering if I could make a request. (I am willing to pay for the work!) I would really like it if you could re-map the buttons so that D-Pad = Move Up, Down, Left, Right | A = Turn Right | B = Turn Left | R = Shoot | L = Use. I hope it's not a lot to ask, I know basically nothing about modding but it would make all the difference in the playability of the games. I just think the standard layout is really confusing, and that this one would make it more like modern FPS games, and therefore easier to play. Thanks so much!


CEO of cancelled
I have been wanting to update PrBoom GBA SVN for a while to add a controls option, basically like the retail ports.
Perhaps I'll have your one as one of the options, I'd like to map SELECT+L/R as weapon changing too so I can circle strafe easily


New Lad
That would be awesome man. The best option would be if the player could customize each key bind, but I understand that that would probably take a lot more work.