While in my custody, you will follow the rules of Arkham City to the letter. These rules ensure your continued well-being.
Rule 1: Do not approach the security wall surrounding the facility. Any attempt to approach the wall will be considered an act of escape and will be met with extreme force.
Rule 2: All prisoners must surrender themselves for full psychiatric examination when requested. Failure to surrender will be met with extreme force, followed by a level nine and ten psychiatric profiling.
Rule 3: TYGER operatives have full jurisdiction in Arkham City. If for any reason a TYGER operative approaches or issues an order to you, you must immediately adopt a kneeling position and place both hands on the back of your head. Failure to adopt this position will be considered an aggressive response and will be met with extreme force.
These rules are mandatory, and by the power vested in me, by the people of Gotham City, lawful.