Kippykip News!

News about stupid stuff going on in the world or updates to the Kippykip Network.

17 April, 2014

*Tapatalk support :D
youse da tapatalk ap on ur fone n serrch kippykip til u find kippykip forums m8'ty

14 April, 2014

*Users can now upload attachments


  • 1979132_495202763918075_481783245_o.jpg
    102.5 KB · Views: 447

13 April, 2014

12 April, 2014

I just programmed an application where at 12am and 12pm (UTC + 10), the Server PC will restart, meaning the site will be down for maybe 1-2 minutes after those times
I made this because sometimes the PC loses the internet every known then (meaning the site goes down too) which requires to unplug and replug the ethernet cord from it or restart it for the internet to work on it once again

That way if i'm not at home and...

10 April, 2014
