You may say "GBA Doom II sucks dick! It's really censored as the blood is green! Hanging bodies on walls are missing and the colour palette is atrocious!".
This patch/mod replaces all Sprites, Palettes, Textures, Flats etc as closely as possible to the original classic DOS PC...
Well the wait is finally over! I present to you the GBA Doom II Modding Tools!
The tools are programmed in Blitzmax (because it's the programming language I know best).
I have to give credit to Magicteam for handing me their custom tool they used for making the translation patch. Despite that...
EDIT: I've now made my own tools and also made a decensor/PC Conversion Pack.
You can check them out here:
Remember a while back I made a video on a uncensored Doom 2 for GBA? Only problem is it was translated in russian. But that's...