the games factory

  1. Kippykip

    PortableApp CExtract - The Games Factory / Multimedia Fusion Game Extractor / Unprotector

    Here's some obscure software I downloaded off a forum 7 or so years ago. It basically extracts contents from Clickteam .GAM files, or what I used it for was to unprotect games made in the v1.0 clickteam engines back in the day. The V126 attachment below is the version that allows unprotecting if...
  2. Kippykip

    PortableApp Retarded Goat Hunter

    Here was a funny game I had back in Primary School. Although it ran on the original Multimedia Fusion 1.0 so it messes up on modern computers. Therefore I've uploaded a modified version under "carrot_unprotected.exe" which runs on the modern Clickteam Fusion 2.5 engine. This version also scales...