
  1. Kippykip

    Smart Steam Emu 1.4.7

    Looks like the original version of SmartSteamEmu got slightly updated after the Half-Life anniversary edition. Enjoy!
  2. Kippykip

    VMWare Workstation Pro 15.5 Serial Key

  3. Kippykip

    Original Doom IWADS Thread Archive

    Here's your usual DOOM IWAD files. The patched Final Doom ones being pretty hard to find. Anyway here they are: The Ultimate Doom (v1.9): bin/wads/doom.wad Doom II (v1.9): bin/wads/DOOM2.WAD Final Doom: Evilution (v1.1): bin/wads/anthology-finalwads/tnt.wad Final Doom: Evilution (v1.0)...
  4. Kippykip

    Smart Steam Emu Reborn v1.46.1

    A more updated version of SmartSteamEmu, also includes the "StubDRMPatcher" plugin that lets you run games with additional SteamDRM without having to use steamless prior. For the original SmartSteamEmu 1.4.3 version, click here:
  5. Kippykip

    [Fix] Opera Linux - Fix Facebook, Twitter and YT Movies / Netflix Playback

    If you've ever used Opera on Linux, you'll notice that videos on facebook don't play at all. Same goes for playing DRM movies/shows through YouTube movies or Netflix. The fix is to replace the library with one that actually works (supposedly Opera can't distribute it because of...
  6. Kippykip

    Smart Steam Emu 1.4.3

    Here's a steam emulator that came with a copy of CF2.5 I downloaded once, found that it works well on other stuff for making non-steam versions. Had to create an account on some russian forum or something to get this (damn I hate sites where I need to register to download). Anyway enjoy!
  7. Kippykip

    [PC] Clock Tower: The First Fear - English

    Here's an old torrent I made for a patched version of Clock Tower on PC. Before my piratebay account kept getting taken down for some reason. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:X4WZP6GFVIHHLCXCKX6QCUB5VL4OVGCJ
  8. Kippykip

    Windows 7 Activator

    It came with a Windows 7 SP1 ISO I downloaded a while back, some of you may find it useful.
  9. Kippykip

    GBA Doom II PC Conversion pack! - Revision 1.3.1

    You may say "GBA Doom II sucks dick! It's really censored as the blood is green! Hanging bodies on walls are missing and the colour palette is atrocious!". WELL NOT TO WORRY! This patch/mod replaces all Sprites, Palettes, Textures, Flats etc as closely as possible to the original classic DOS PC...
  10. Kippykip

    SurfEasy - Chrome Cracked

    Pretty simple, just makes the extension itself think it's the premium unlimited version. I haven't tested it thoroughly however, but seems to work so far. Anyway, below here is a pre-edited version so you don't have to do any work (unless it updates). Lemme know if it actually is unlimited as...