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  1. LegoMan

    Klik & Play Floppy Images + Serial Key

    WARNING!!! THIS IS A 16BIT APP, THIS WILL NOT RUN ON WINDOWS VERSIONS THAT DON'T HAVE 16BIT APP SUPPORT Klik & Play is Clickteam's first ever product. it was published by Europress in the UK and by MAXIS in the US. To run this i recommend installing this on a Windows 9x VM using PCem and...
  2. LegoMan

    Call Of Duty Plutonium Torrents

    last year plutonium pissed themselves when SM2 got taken down and removed all torrents from their site and threatened to add steam verification and to this day they have yet to do so pretty sure there are many seeders on these torrents so they won't be dead T6 = BO2 T5 = BO1 T4 = WaW THESE...
  3. LegoMan

    add tv and movies category in da repository

    we got shit for music software and video games but nothing for tv shows and movies
  4. LegoMan

    General Piracy Discussion Thread

    since this forum is mostly used for uploading/downloading pirated content i think there should be a thread in general discussion for piracy
  5. LegoMan

    You Don't Know Jack Vol 6: The Lost Gold Windows 10/11 Patch

    ah yes the final classic YDKJ game before jellyvision shit themselves and changed into jackbox games trying to run this game on any modern OS's will not work and simply crash on start replace the original .exe's with the new patched ones download here
  6. LegoMan

    The CKY Collection

    I'm getting more bored by the second so here's a zip with every CKY album and it includes: Volume 1 (1999) Volume 2 (1999) Infiltrate-Destroy-Rebuild (2002) An Ånswer Can Be Found (2005) Live At Mr. Smalls Fun House (2007) Carver City (2009) B-Sides & Rarities (2010) Live On West Chester...
  7. LegoMan

    Zoom Platform Postal Games

    I decided to buy all the Postal games off of ZOOM Platform (basically GOG but a different shop), And since the installers are drm-free why the hell not just dump them so here ya go! Postal 1+2 Your Moms Box Set Includes: POSTAL 1 - Classic and Uncut POSTAL 2 - (Patch 5025) POSTAL 2 - (Patch...