Search results

  1. Y

    Sony Vegas 14

    The trick to keeping your files on MEGA for longer is naming them really obscure things. if you name something "SONY VEGAS PRO 14.RAR" or some shit, it's gonna flag the file. I've found sticking to just abbreviations is a good way to go, except if the file get's manually reported, which happens...
  2. Y

    ProtectionID - Game File Protection Scanner and more!

    ProtectionID or just PID is a program that will help you determine what sort of file or executable protection a game uses, which is useful for reverse engineering and such. There is an official site at, but I'll attach the latest version as of this post. Hopefully...
  3. Y

    "I'm one big f*ggot who created a useless forum about obscure software." Hell, at least you got...

    "I'm one big f*ggot who created a useless forum about obscure software." Hell, at least you got some people interested in your forum. Mine never take off.
  4. Y

    Y'all crazy

    This place seems neat. Unfortunately I don't have privileges to post in the introductions area, so that blows.