Recent content by Tzehov

  1. T

    Smart Steam Emu 1.4.7

    The best christmas gift!
  2. T

    I go by many names... It is kind of my thing..

    oh kippykip already changed my username xd
  3. T

    I go by many names... It is kind of my thing..

    Yeah, maybe i can left it like that
  4. T

    I go by many names... It is kind of my thing..

    I go by Néstor diepotato And others... Although i dont like my username, ill change it, i'm Tzehov now
  5. T

    Best illegal forums in the deep web?

    ohhh, sorry, I couldn't think of where to post it, lmfao
  6. T

    Best illegal forums in the deep web?

    hellooo. I want to know if anyone knows of any good illegal forums on the deep web. I found some but had trouble registering or they weren't what I was looking for. What I specifically want to get is a fake ID. If anyone knows anything about that I would be very grateful. ...the reason I want...
  7. T

    PortableApp CExtract - The Games Factory / Multimedia Fusion Game Extractor / Unprotector

    this is like a dream come true. With this i'll look the code of old Scott Cawthon games. IN YOUR FACE SCOTTGAMES COMMUNITY. I'M GOING TO BECOME FAMOUS MUAHAHAHAHAHAA