Recent content by LegoMan

  1. LegoMan

    PortableApp Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ Developer with Extensions!

    the 294 one is obsolete considering the 295 build has been fully cracked, but if you want the 294 build then just paste this magnet link into your torrent client...
  2. LegoMan

    u r cool lol

    u r cool lol
  3. LegoMan

    PortableApp Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ Developer with Extensions!

    late i know but this is the android sdk on the clickteam forums
  4. LegoMan

    Call Of Duty Plutonium Torrents

    these come with both multiplayer and zombies
  5. LegoMan

    PortableApp Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ Developer with Extensions!

    up to LTDF1367 really
  6. LegoMan

    PortableApp Clickteam Fusion 2.5+ Developer with Extensions!

    either hes talking about the free part of the server that anyone can access or they unlocked the entire server for anyone to look
  7. LegoMan

    Corel Click & Create - ISO Dump

    Corel was the original publisher for TGF, Which is C&C. That's basically the lore
  8. LegoMan

    Best illegal forums in the deep web?

    you're already on one
  9. LegoMan

    Klik & Play Floppy Images + Serial Key

    WARNING!!! THIS IS A 16BIT APP, THIS WILL NOT RUN ON WINDOWS VERSIONS THAT DON'T HAVE 16BIT APP SUPPORT Klik & Play is Clickteam's first ever product. it was published by Europress in the UK and by MAXIS in the US. To run this i recommend installing this on a Windows 9x VM using PCem and...
  10. LegoMan

    Call Of Duty Plutonium Torrents

    it matters on where you get it, fitgirl is probably the most trusted repacker so i would get it from there.
  11. LegoMan

    fgteev duddy my beloved

    fgteev duddy my beloved
  12. LegoMan

    Bluewing Client/Server help

    your wish is my command
  13. LegoMan

    Call Of Duty Plutonium Torrents

    they're game files for plutonium but they can't be ran without plutonium if you wanna run bo2 without plutonium download a cracked version
  14. LegoMan

    Call Of Duty Plutonium Torrents

    last year plutonium pissed themselves when SM2 got taken down and removed all torrents from their site and threatened to add steam verification and to this day they have yet to do so pretty sure there are many seeders on these torrents so they won't be dead T6 = BO2 T5 = BO1 T4 = WaW THESE...
  15. LegoMan

    Cops In a Nutshell

    Cops if real