Recent content by autodidact-tard

  1. autodidact-tard

    Does anyone have this meme

    everyone on the internet i dont like is a fed
  2. autodidact-tard

    Dislike button is here!

    thank you Johnny Kippykip we now have wholesome reddit karma and updoots and downdoots so i can persecute No*bs for not knowing 93 eons of perfectly crafted culture
  3. autodidact-tard

    how to boil lobsters in 2024

    how to boil lobsters in 2024
  4. autodidact-tard

    picture of me (real)

    i was 203 years old when this picture was taken,,,... Very awesome!
  5. autodidact-tard

    Hai :)

    my favorite swear words are bollocks shit and fuck
  6. autodidact-tard

    curious about the discord

    @Kippykip goddamn, i guess the 'sharty ruins cool shit all the time, it's just written into their "culture." i've had my fair share of shoulder-bumps with people who associate with that website, and they're all unoriginal asshats getting into doxxing/swatting culture at a stupid young age. i...
  7. autodidact-tard

    curious about the discord

    professional lurker here i occasionally browsed the discord since i appreciate the niche and unique content covered (mainly ai content as i am personally interested in LLMs) and i tried to rejoin the discord after getting my new account (i stopped counting how many accounts ive went through ever...