How to compile PCSX-Reloaded on Linux (Debian)


CEO of cancelled
Alright, so I'm gonna pretend you're completely new to Linux as I was and try to compile a simple program.
A lot of programs need to be compiled from the source (for some reason). I think it's because if they want the program to work on different architectures (such as ARM, PowerPC devices etc) as well as a desktop computer.

I'm gonna assume you've tried programming on Windows and at least know how to use CMD as the process on linux is almost the same.

Anyway, you need to add the debian repository URL to the system (this lets you download tons of libraries and plugins etc just through the command line!).
I didn't figure this out to late and I was pulling my hair out wondering why apt-get couldn't ever find jack shit

First of all open the terminal, and type "SU" and type your password.
This makes it run in ROOT (Linux's version of an admin account).
You'll know if it's in ROOT if it has a # instead of a $ at the end.
Type in whatever notepad program you're using (qedit is the default I think).
And go to the root of the harddrive and open

Then open your web browser go to:
and find a mirror closest to your country (DON'T PICK AUSTRALIA! IT'S SLOW AS FUCK! Use Japan instead if you're Australian like me!).
copy the URL and put a "deb" at the start and put "jessie main" at the end.
You and also do it a 2nd time if you want with "deb-src" if you want.
You should have something like this in your sources.list

#                   OFFICIAL DEBIAN REPOS                  

###### Debian Main Repos
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

If you want an easier way of doing it, check out this generator. It's what I use:

Anyway save that file afterwards.

After all that's done, now type:
apt-get update
This will update the list of programs and libraries so your computer knows where to download these files.

Now Apt-get is going to be your best friend. It you just have to type:
apt-get install {PLUGINNAME}
Whenever you need to download something. It's usually always on there.

Now before you can compile ANYTHING, you will have to install the compiler. You do this by typing:
apt-get install build-essential
It should install a lot stuff. But this allows the "make" command and such to work.

Now we need to install the PCSX-R libraries, they never fucking mentioned this anywhere in the README, I had to dig an obscure thread on a forum to find this.
Anyway, you have to type:
apt-get install subversion autoconf intltool libtool libsdl1.2-dev libgtk-3-dev libxv-dev libxtst-dev nasm

That should install a fuckton of libraries. The good thing about this is that if other programs use the same libraries, you won't have to install anything later.

Now I'm guessing you've already downloaded the source code from the PCSXR website, if you haven't do it now. It should be some sort of tar.bz2 file.

Extract it and then go back in the terminal and browse to where you extracted.
cd Downloads\pcsxr

Anyway, you have to make a "configure" file if it isn't already there.
PCSX-R already has this as an SH script. So just run (yes the .\ is necessary for some reason):
It should make a configure script afterwards, if not just open in a text editor and type the same commands manually.

If you get a permission error, it might be that the file doesn't have execute permissions.
A quick solution is to type:
chmod +x ./
You may or may not need to use a root terminal for CHMOD.

Now you can run the configure script, just type:
and it should do all that for you.

Now we can actually build and install the program!
Just type:
make install

HOPEFULLY it should work now, hurray if it did!
You can now run PCSXR by typing "pcsxr" in the terminal or something.
When you "MAKE" programs, it usually puts it in "usr\local\bin" or in "usr\games" somewhere like that.

Now the process is usually the same for the majority of programs, it's just a matter of fact of finding the

Hopefully this helped you, have fun! (Not really, it's tedious)
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New Lad
Hello Kippykip,

This is a wonderful 'how to'.

Most don't put a lot of info into one of these.

I have PCSX-Reloaded 1.9.92 and have currently found an updated version and this is 1.9.94-2.
Where I fail is the step

Terminal output:

red7@deadredse7en-latitude-e7450:~$ cd /home/red7/Downloads/pcsxr
red7@deadredse7en-latitude-e7450:~/Downloads/pcsxr$ ./
bash: ./ Permission denied

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction?

any help would be most appreciated! THX!


CEO of cancelled
Hello Kippykip,

This is a wonderful 'how to'.

Most don't put a lot of info into one of these.

I have PCSX-Reloaded 1.9.92 and have currently found an updated version and this is 1.9.94-2.
Where I fail is the step

Terminal output:

red7@deadredse7en-latitude-e7450:~$ cd /home/red7/Downloads/pcsxr
red7@deadredse7en-latitude-e7450:~/Downloads/pcsxr$ ./
bash: ./ Permission denied

I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction?

any help would be most appreciated! THX!
Did you try running the command as SUDO or in the Root Terminal?


New Lad
Hello again.

I tried as root and still got denied.


root@deadredse7en-latitude-e7450:~# cd /home/red7/Downloads/pcsxr
root@deadredse7en-latitude-e7450:/home/red7/Downloads/pcsxr# ./
-bash: ./ Permission denied

I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong!

If you can think of anything or notice anything in the commands, please let me know. Thanks again.


New Lad
I did chmod +x ./
then did the ./

then ./configure - your how to was the opposite .\

after make and make install appeared to work. Time to go check!

Crossing my fingers!

And thank you for all the info in this how to!!


CEO of cancelled
I did chmod +x ./
then did the ./

then ./configure - your how to was the opposite .\

after make and make install appeared to work. Time to go check!

Crossing my fingers!

And thank you for all the info in this how to!!
Oh yeah I totally forgot about linux sometimes gets rid of the execute permission when extracting stuff, I'll edit the post with your solution.
Glad it worked out in the end! ::veryhappy::