Recent content by JahnnytheJahnnitor

  1. JahnnytheJahnnitor

    Should we allow NSFW?

    And safety is...? No, seriously, when was anything fergusing safe in this world anymore? And yes, I did type fergus on purpose. Fergus has a nice ring to it. It sounds like fungus. And fungus is rather popular, IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN |:) (#420, #Sorryifweedjokesarebadhere, #whyamIusingthese?)
  2. JahnnytheJahnnitor

    Should we allow NSFW?

    Pardon my ignorance... But what the bloody hell is "NSFW"? I did check the rules, but, that didn't have too much info about the subject, and wikipedia didn't have the answer either... Maybe it's because it's the 'MURICAN wiki? I don't know.
  3. JahnnytheJahnnitor

    The Fatty...

    Still game of the century... ~Johnny James, the god damn jannitor.