TextureFilter match_text$,flags


match_text$ - text that, if found in texture filename, will activate certain filters

flags - filter texture flags:
1: Color
2: Alpha
4: Masked
8: Mipmapped
16: Clamp U
32: Clamp V
64: Spherical reflection map
256: Store texture in vram
512: Force the use of high color textures


Adds a texture filter. Any textures loaded that contain the text specified by match_text$ will have the provided flags added.

This is mostly of use when loading a mesh.

By default, the following texture filter is used:

TextureFilter "",1+8

This means that all loaded textures will have color and be mipmapped by default.


; ClearTextureFilters and TextureFilter Example.
; ----------------------------------------------

Const tex_color = 1 ; Color texture
Const tex_alpha = 2 ; Alpha texture (Include alpha channel data)
Const tex_mask = 4 ; Masked texture (black is transparent)
Const tex_mipmap = 8 ; Create texture mipmaps
Const tex_clampu = 16 ; Restrict U texture coords from "bleeding over"
Const tex_clampv = 32 ; Restrict V texture coords from "bleeding over"
Const tex_envshpere = 64 ; Load texture as a spherical environment map
Const tex_vram = 256 ; Force texture graphics to vram
Const tex_highcolor = 512 ; Forces texture graphics to be 32-bits per pixel

Graphics3D 640,480

; Removes any texture filters that might apply.


; Add an alpha texture to the list of
; texture filters to apply to files
; that have "_alpha" in their filenames.

TextureFilter "_alpha",tex_color + tex_alpha + tex_mipmap

; Set appropriate texture flags for loading
; suitable skybox textures from files named
; something with "_skybox".

TextureFilter "_skybox", tex_color + tex_mipmap + tex_clampu + tex_clampv

; Set the flags for loading a spherical refletction
; map to apply to all "_refmap" files.

TextureFilter "_refmap", tex_color + tex_mipmap + tex_envshpere

; Setup a texture filter to allow faster
; (and easier) pixel manipulation on all
; loaded "_fastblit" files.

TextureFilter "_fastblit", tex_color + tex_vram + tex_highcolor

; This is where you would normally load your special
; textures.

; The next bit resets the texture filters to their
; standard settings.

TextureFilter "", tex_color + tex_mipmap



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