SetCubeFace texture,face


texture - texture
face - face of cube to select. This should be one of the following values:
0: left (negative X) face
1: forward (positive Z) face - this is the default.
2: right (positive X) face
3: backward (negative Z) face
4: up (positive Y) face
5: down (negative Y) face


Selects a cube face for direct rendering to a texture.

This command should only be used when you wish to draw directly to a cubemap texture in real-time. Otherwise, just loading a pre-rendered cubemap with a flag of 128 will suffice.

To understand how this command works exactly it is important to recognise that Blitz treats cubemap textures slightly differently to how it treats other textures. Here's how it works...

A cubemap texture in Blitz actually consists of six images, each of which must be square 'power' of two size - e.g. 32, 64, 128 etc. Each corresponds to a particular cube face. These images are stored internally by Blitz, and the texture handle that is returned by LoadTexture/CreateTexture when specifying the cubemap flag, only provides access to one of these six images at once (by default the first one, or '0' face).

This is why, when loading a cubemap texture into Blitz using LoadTexture, all the six cubemap images must be laid out in a specific order (0-5, as described above), in a horizontal strip. Then Blitz takes this texture and internally converts it into six separate images.

So seeing as the texture handle returned by CreateTexture / LoadTexture only provides access to one of these images at once (no. 1 by default), how do we get access to the other five images? This is where SetCubeFace comes in. It will tell Blitz that whenever you next draw to a cubemap texture, to draw to the particular image representing the face you have specified with the face parameter.

Now you have the ability to draw to a cubemap in real-time.

To give you some idea of how this works in code, here's a function that updates a cubemap in real-time. It works by rendering six different views and copying them to the cubemap texture buffer, using SetCubeFace to specify which particular cubemap image should be drawn to.

; Start of code

Function UpdateCubeMap( tex,camera )


; do left view
SetCubeFace tex,0
RotateEntity camera,0,90,0

; copy contents of backbuffer to cubemap
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do forward view
SetCubeFace tex,1
RotateEntity camera,0,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do right view
SetCubeFace tex,2
RotateEntity camera,0,-90,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do backward view
SetCubeFace tex,3
RotateEntity camera,0,180,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do up view
SetCubeFace tex,4
RotateEntity camera,-90,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do down view
SetCubeFace tex,5
RotateEntity camera,90,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)


; End of code

All rendering to a texture buffer affects the currently selected face. Do not change the selected cube face while a buffer is locked.

Finally, you may wish to combine the vram 256 flag with the cubic mapping flag when drawing to cubemap textures for faster access.

See also: CreateTexture, LoadTexture, SetCubeMode.


; SetCubeFace Example
; -------------------


Graphics3D width,height,depth,mode
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

; If user's graphics card does not support cubic mapping then quit example
If GfxDriverCaps3D()<110 Then RuntimeError "Sorry, your graphics card does not support cubic environemnt maps."

PositionEntity cam,0,10,-10

; Create separate camera for updating cube map - this allows us to manipulate main camera and cube camera which avoids any confusion
HideEntity cube_cam

RotateEntity light,90,0,0

; Load object we will apply cubemap to - the classic teapot
ScaleEntity teapot,3,3,3
PositionEntity teapot,0,10,0

; Create some scenery

; ground
EntityColor ground,168,133,55
ScaleTexture ground_tex,10,10
EntityTexture ground,ground_tex

; sky
ScaleEntity sky,500,500,500
FlipMesh sky
EntityFX sky,1
EntityTexture sky,sky_tex

; cactus
FitMesh cactus,-5,0,-5,2,6,.5

; camel
FitMesh camel,5,0,-5,6,5,4

; Load ufo to give us a dynamic moving object that the cubemap will be able to reflect
PositionEntity ufo_piv,0,15,0
PositionEntity ufo,0,0,10

; Create texture with color + cubic environment map + store in vram flags

; Apply cubic environment map to teapot
EntityTexture teapot,tex

While Not KeyDown(1)

; Control camera

; mouse look


RotateEntity cam,mys#,-mxs#,0

MoveMouse width/2,height/2

; move camera forwards/backwards/left/right with cursor keys

If KeyDown(200)=True Then MoveEntity cam,0,0,.2 ; move camera forward
If KeyDown(208)=True Then MoveEntity cam,0,0,-.2 ; move camera back

If KeyDown(205)=True Then MoveEntity cam,.2,0,0 ; move camera left
If KeyDown(203)=True Then MoveEntity cam,-.2,0,0 ; move camera right

; Turn ufo pivot, causing child ufo mesh to spin around it (and teapot)
TurnEntity ufo_piv,0,2,0

; Hide our main camera before updating cube map - we don't need it to be rendererd every time cube_cam is rendered
HideEntity cam

; Update cubemap

; Show main camera again
ShowEntity cam


Text 0,0,"Use mouse to look around"
Text 0,20,"Use cursor keys to change camera position"



Function UpdateCubemap(tex,camera,entity)


; Show the camera we have specifically created for updating the cubemap
ShowEntity camera

; Hide entity that will have cubemap applied to it. This is so we can get cubemap from its position, without it blocking the view
HideEntity entity

; Position camera where the entity is - this is where we will be rendering views from for cubemap
PositionEntity camera,EntityX#(entity),EntityY#(entity),EntityZ#(entity)

CameraClsMode camera,False,True

; Set the camera's viewport so it is the same size as our texture - so we can fit entire screen contents into texture
CameraViewport camera,0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz

; Update cubemap

; do left view
SetCubeFace tex,0
RotateEntity camera,0,90,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do forward view
SetCubeFace tex,1
RotateEntity camera,0,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do right view
SetCubeFace tex,2
RotateEntity camera,0,-90,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do backward view
SetCubeFace tex,3
RotateEntity camera,0,180,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do up view
SetCubeFace tex,4
RotateEntity camera,-90,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; do down view
SetCubeFace tex,5
RotateEntity camera,90,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)

; Show entity again
ShowEntity entity

; Hide the cubemap camera
HideEntity camera

End Function


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